
Makes his early boasts of putting Kweli on songs with Jay-Z seem so insignificant in the grand scheme of his collaborations.

Well said Myles.

Ruby has done pretty well for herself since her stint on Bake Off, picking up a regular Guardian column and having her cookbook published. Her recipes are good, and the writing is engaging.

What the blog post above forgot to mention is that is in relation to American distribution, it is a detail that the Radio Times glossed over with conjecture and then covered their tracks by mentioning that Channel 4 have a first look option on the show. Charlie Brooker is unlikely to need Netflix any time soon for

And you can just attribute most/all of the great writing to Sharon Horgan who is always deserving of more praise.



Perhaps I'm being unfair as in my mind I'm remembering my first experience watching Red Dwarf in the late 80s and laughing quite a lot throughout that first series. What I really should have compared it to was the more muted reaction I had to watching Hyperdrive which had marginally more laughs than Other Space but a

"Great" is a stretch but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Pity there was only about 3 laughs across the eight episodes but I wouldn't mind if there were more made.

He also wore his socks and his shoes which made his awkwardness with being completely naked believable.

You'd also have the bonus of Alexander Armstrong and Giles Coren there (being family and all that). And they know how to get royally pissed:…

When they continually mention it as an absolute then it's quite easy to correct them.

Something I've been correcting them on as long as I've been on the site (and you've agreed with me on before). Over the last few weeks I've just given up reading most of the main review and sticking to the far more interesting comments section as the inaccuracies just lead to frustration.

…and has now been cancelled in most of them (The Taste).


Game doesn't end until the snitch is caught. The game can still be won by the team that doesn't catch the snitch if they are leading by more than 150 which doesn't seem quite so implausible seeing as the game is high scoring. Rowling basically split the game into two distinct parts using obvious influences. The part

He appeared in the finale, looking like a young'n from Duck Dynasty.


which is hugely disappointing as they are then restricted in their choices. QI is the PANEL show (for the benefit of the article author) most likely to find a niche audience in the US but I think BBCA would have done just as well if they had put Would I Lie To You after Graham Norton.

Just in case you're not kidding (I'm pretty sure you are), Katy Brand is a comedienne who isn't related to Russell.