
The capers are a classic garnish for for fish in the style of meuniere (usually sole or trout but skate isn't unheard of) as it's gives you a burst of briny acidity to cut through the brown butter and complement the fish.

Danny deserves a downvote for that. It's Kolkata, has been since 2001.

I'm not afraid to say she looked smoking hot in that perm. Randall Park's perm on the other hand looked like something crawled up there and died.

Who would prefer balling socks to rolling or folding?! MADNESS!

*I'm an asshole?/You niggas got jokkeeeeeeeesssss."

Great news, another country to strategically vote against the UK for more absurd results!
At least this gives Iggy Azalea another shot of fame in a decade. Any chance you guys are picking Danni Minogue as your first representative? She'd fit right in.

Weeds also did it way back in season 2 (2006).

Quite a bit of nuance and build up but it should still make sense if you've jumped in at episode 3, the second half of the series definitely relies on prior knowledge more and more as it goes on.

More is my favourite track off Blue Collar, another Kanye track. Rhymefest really wrote some great verses on that song and the album.

No problem, always happy to share. The song was sort of a work in progress during a brief period where he decided to just upload early mixes of songs to see what people thought. The other song was a version of Robocop which wasn't vastly different but it was interesting to hear. He also did it with Power later on.

I really love those heartfelt vocal tendencies, they aren't even remotely perfect but there is soul to them. Granted some of the more melodic ones were mixed down with his cousin Tony Williams vocals but still doesn't diminish the impact.


Series 10 is a return to form (for the most part) and series 9 was at least passable as a substitute for the long rumoured movie. 7 and particularly 8 you have to be a very forgiving fan to enjoy, which I am, and I did.

I'll repost my comment from last week because it applies doubly to this weeks episode.

There was plenty of ego, just tempered by self doubt and relief that he'd finally made his album.

"She's Confidant" ?

He also drives an ice cream truck and his face would get him into any show/club/party/museum/event anywhere in the world. I guess constantly being mistaken for Ed Sheeran probably has its perks too.

And his classical French training makes it a walk in the park for him to replicate it again and again with small variations. It is frustrating that he sticks to one very small regional style which if I were cynical I'd say was him latching onto the Pok Pok hysteria for authentic Northern Thai (and just more authentic

Can we talk about how disappointing, disjointed and dull BNR was. The original show was one of my favourite Ramsay features during The F Word's run and even had a good run as a standalone show but this remake just sucked all the life out of the show and made it into the most labourious by the book format. The