
While I agree with the general sentiment that Gregory didn't push himself at all and that he does stick to a very singular style, the type of curries that Gregory makes do have a good hundred or so distinct variations if you're only taking his Thai preference into account. If you simplify it as he's just making curry

They are available via other means. There is a megapack of all of it usually after a current series finishes airing. I often go back and watch the classics, not all have aged as well as hoped. Room 101 has aged a lot better, but then the subject matter is a lot less time sensitive.

It did once, and the meat-ed mince pie is having a mini revival anyway. Also if it's a mince pie made in the Midlands and certains parts of Northern England than lard or dripping are commonly used in the making of the pastry so there is still a little animal in there for you.

I was equally surprised that Katsuji got eliminated as I really wanted Adam gone, his constant bitching and moaning about the challenges as if they are somehow beneath him along with his insufferable attitude when he makes it through are insufferable. He never annoyed me on the main show but then again his exposure

First off, a huge upvote for watching Pasta, one of my favourite food related fictional tv/movie productions ever and also one of my favourite kdramas ever. Sadly, the issue they're trying to raise on the show is definitely one not widely recognized in Korea which is I guess why the show could make it such a major

Of course those lobes were obscene but it is possible for foie gras to be made without force feeding the fowls in question. As the demand for and cache of foie gras doesnt look like it'll be going away any time soon this is what people should be demanding, just as they demand high welfare poultry or red meat. There


And so avclub elects to review another season of the contrived fix-fest that is masterchef instead of making an effort and reviewing GBBO/GBBS on PBS.

Z Eyes was the conclusion I came to for why the blocked people didn't lash out. As for living without interaction, not sure how it is elsewhere but as everything can be delivered and automated it wouldn't be hard to live without interaction. Getting a job or doing freelance work can easily be accomplished without

More likely to be 1,440,000 years as he was left on over Christmas day, the police officers would be back on duty for Boxing Day but either way it'd be horrifying.

That was my immediate reaction too but after thinking about it a little more and how the z eyes would be used in such a situation. I realised that people would probably become mentally trained to hold back before they commit a crime serious enough to be punished. I also feel like this is the reason Potter and Matthew

The silly part of it for me is that the names should be reversed. In the UK our shows actually last a season and our television schedules on the whole reflect the seasons whereas American television generally has shows that are broadcast over at least one season and usually across three. So you lot should either adopt

I usually don't engage in criticism of a review I don't agree with but this one was littered with so many mistakes and sweeping gestures at half criticisms that I just have to point out my disappointment with it. I realise you were tasked to watch this on Christmas Day and publish a review quite quickly but that is no

Not sure if the US Tivo boxes do it but the Virgin Tivo box auto dims the screen after 5 minutes paused on the same screen.

Any chance you or the avclub in general will be covering PBS' airing of The Great British Bake Off that starts next week?

Garra Rufa fish are used for eating dead skin off peoples feet. I don't think there is an all body one, it's just a writers plausible exaggeration of a possible beauty treatment.

1000 years a minute. Precisely what I thought, White Bear doesn't compare to that sentence.

Not sure how I feel about it. If Sam & Jesse are involved and it's a story in the world rather than a retelling of the same thing it could definitely be worth it but with the Hollywood pressure for mass appeal I doubt it'll be able to be as on the nose and despondent as the episode was. I just know it'll be turned

Oona played 3 characters? Are you sure? From what I saw and the credits she just played the two variants of Greta.

I did also like that something so obvious early on in Rafe's story was almost forgotten by the time the reveal came around near the end.