
The final thought was haunting, the pacing was mostly great and the premise latched onto a personal dream development (something like cookie) and then flipped it completely and made it far more nightmarish than anything my pessimistic mind had previously thought of. As for the other major themes and stories, Rafe's

Thanks. I got in an article/twitter hunt and it's neverending even for something so niche. I did see the nice back and forth between Charlie and Stephen King though:…

Any chance you could link/name some other people talking it up?

I'll just leave this here…

Enjoying Sirens but I really think they could have incorporated more of the darker elements like the original show did. But hey, it has another season so I'm sure they'll get to it.

Pity it's so long winded and has some of the most annoying judges and contestants I've ever seen. The whooping and hollering is grating enough but when they spend hours talking about a stupid immunity pin like it's the key to immortality I just want to shove it in their collective aorta. The american format is

The only thing I'll give credit to Blais was he was the only one that tried to equip the chefs for a possible dessert which I take as him trying to push them. But to be honest you could also say he was just trying to gain praise from anyone by showing off the bounty of disparate ingredients he put out for them.

Maybe I should have put apparent laziness, because Mei definitely doesn't strike me as the lazy type just she definitely didn't think her cooking of the racks through like she would have at the start of the competition. She commented in them being tough to fit in the pan and at that point her common sense would have

Yup. Her insistence on being as lazy as possible when it came to the rack to cut down on her workload must have been due to second guessing as the Mei of the first few episodes would have either split the racks as Tom mentioned and given them plenty of time in the oven and a proper basting during the colouring or

Adam's pipperade really confused me because it looked like he just drained the jarred piqullo peppers and cut them up to serve under his squeaky prawns (his modern pil-pil esque technique just seemed badly executed really).

I also found it absurd that neither of the chefs made any effort to make a rabbit sauce. You have a whole animal and 45 minutes, throw the carcass in the pressure cooker at the very least and extract some flavour ffs.No matter what sauce you're making it would improve it.

They didn't exactly give them a vessel to carry the clams with so it was either carry them in your arms or grab the lot and figure it out later which is what I assume Mei was planning to do. I felt she was a bit rough on steamer clams though, there are ways to extract flavour in that amount of time but I think it was

He made a "Madras Curry" which Padma said smelled authentic which just made me snort derisively and roll my eyes. Madras is NOT A REAL INDIAN CURRY PADMA. It's a spice mix created exclusively for the British and no one in their right mind would use it in India. To be fair Gregory's dish would fall closer to a Burmese

Hehe, actually itv (ITV? iTV? They've changed their branding to all lower caps which makes things slightly confusing) call theirs itvplayer.

I was going to mention how this sounded very much like Adam Buxton's Bug that he made for Sky Atlantic. Glad to see someone else had the same idea.

Or go and watch the first two series right now in anticipation of the christmas special.


The fork came first, the spork was invented by Fortnum & Masons in the 1940s

Same here but then I'm a sucker for a simple sitcom that isn't completely terrible. You have to commend them for two things,
1. Not highlighting the obvious coupling between the main character and his hot tomboy paramedic childhood friend until the end of season 3.
2. Making Ken Jeong funny again (if only momentarily).

Simple overexposure is the reason people who probably wouldn't have even heard of him hate him with a passion. He can be quite a lad and act like a bit of a prick but he's enjoyable in small doses and definitely has some good acting/writing credits.