
She's also a peach?

Extra good news is Charlie's Wipe of the Year is confirmed for the holiday season (probably Boxing Day) and a new series of Weekly Wipe will be on in the new year.

I went back and rewatched it and instead of doing it the way you mentioned or the way I mentioned (which are both very reasonable ways to do it) they let the losers choose first for round 1, then rounds 2,3 and 4 had the winners choosing first and of course the last round was chosen automatically. Overall, there was

Unfortunately they weren't given the option to use that strategy because the losers had to say who was cooking in each duel first.


I thought MeetCute would be their next terrible title for a sit-rom-com.

Still no Tights Watch? This week I spotted Diamonds and stars.

Nope, I'm sure he means British. The original rejigging of the (originally Japanese) format that has led to every country having their own variant of the show that attracts every crackpot inventor and idiotic self-styled entrepreneur.

Heheh, very much on the money with that description. If ever there was a better audience for that show than the avclub commenters I haven't met them. You did forget the pacing which was relentless but didn't feel rushed.

Soul Mates is definitely interesting and dare I say enjoyable but I wish it had a tiny bit more structure as it's sketch show format just seems like they couldn't afford a producer and editor rather than any kind of stylistic/narrative choice. It is clicking more and more as the show goes on so maybe it'll feel like

Truly a pity. Especially as this weeks double header was so enjoyable.

Their bickering went one further for me, I almost screamed at my monitor "Just get it over with and have sex already!"

The problem was her reaction to it. Instead of thinking, "Ok, my team wants it bone in but it's a thick cut of veal, let me flatten it out a bit so I can it nicely and rest it in time." Her first thought was to go on the defensive and mention in the cut away that she thinks it's the wrong move. This is always the most


I think they were using the Oliver having to kill Tommy flashback as a parallel and possible red herring for Thea being the one who killed Sara. I personally think it was Malcolm who did it but I wouldn't fault the writers for having it be Thea.

Toby Young is a useless attention whore. Who they really should have back is Jay Rayner and tell Padma to stfu so Jay gets some real time to critique. He once mentioned that they had supposedly replaced him with Curtis Stone and says it all when it comes to Bravo, if you're not photogenic or notorious, you won't last

One of his teammates said exactly that but the edit then proceeded to repeat the same banging footage a further three times, before showing him finishing the clams in a more sane manner.

For something a little different perhaps Absolute Power starring Stephen Fry and John Bird as heads of a PR firm (the original radio series had them as political spin doctors and is very different but enjoyable in its own way).

And it returns this Christmas! For some twisted festive fun.