
Ep1 trolls the fanbase.
Ep2 consists mostly of fanservice.
Ep3 tries to tackle a notorious story with a few twists.


(The Meat Fruit)

So you've seen his excellent Little Crackers episode?

BBC America are a separate entity with their own budget and they are making this Chris Hardwick shitfest. The BBC sadly have no plans to make any new episodes of Doctor Who Confidential, which is disappointing but I guess if that tiny amount of saved cash goes into the main show it's a good thing.

So Red is actually Alan Rickman?

I'll agree with Steve Cheney, series 10 was very watchable and for more in keeping with the tone of the earlier series whereas Back To Earth just felt like an odd pilot for a movie. It doesn't hurt that series 10 is back in front of a live audience and doesn't take itself too seriously while trying out some of the


Rufus is a HUGE Dr. Who geek who was just overwhelmed by the occasion and ended up putting his foot in it twice.
