Doctor Disco

Netflix has three huge issues, imo.

When an Oshkosh truck shows up to deliver that subpoena...

NGC 2336 measures some 200 light-years across.

You could say the site was unhenged.

Stonehenge Started as an Entirely Different Henge, New Research Suggests

Just before we have some of the usual ‘Cancel culture gone mad!’ comments, no, she is not being ‘cancelled’, she is facing the consequences of using a public platform, the internet equivalent of shouting out in the middle of the street, to make questionable comments, and Disney would rather not have to deal with it.

How to Stop Waking Up to Pee

What’s keeping me from shitting all over this dealership?


this guy must have some pressing issues.....gets coat..

He looks like Billy Racist Cyrus. 

I just keep coming back to this idea that if we are actually being “played” by someone else how bad does their life have to be to where they think this is an escape from their reality?

“Finally, we found Skynet. We can take it down before it destroys humanity.”

In addition to this being the epitome of foolish self-incrimination, it is also possibly the worst way to market yourself as a realtor while actively breaking and entering a building.

I think it looks like an elephant standing on a loading dock.

I enjoy Thomas Kinkade paintings more when imagine that they capture that moment in a house fire just before the windows explode.

The last thing people with depression need is something else to give them a hard time. 

Buying his stuntwoman friend that horse was awfully neeiighborly of Viggo.