I’m not saying I’m disappointed, but I thought this would be a Borat themed level.
I’m not saying I’m disappointed, but I thought this would be a Borat themed level.
I’m growing more and more uncomfortable with the seemingly increasing progressive notion that people’s backgrounds must be fully delved into and punishment doled out for things they did years and years ago, retroactive, permanent punishment. It strikes me as so anti-liberal.
He’s a comedian. What’s so hard to understand about that?
“Exploitation of cheerleaders is prevalent across professional sports.”
is this satire
I usually love Greg’s pieces, but the logic herein makes no sense. Sure, Bernie won’t be elected (neither will all but one of the other candidates running), and Bernie can’t fix racial injustice. As opposed to Jeb’s plan to do so? Trump’s?
Great novel. Would read again.
What is colossally stupid is the number of people who criticize Sanders’s ideas (and Hamilton’s defense of them) without offering up ideas as to what Sanders/other candidates SHOULD do. It’s like you’re saying “Here’s a list of all this racist shit that’s wrong with this country!” And Sanders is like “OK, here is what…
See, that’s the thing about Gawker commenters: they have no sense of what the rest of the country (or world) is like. They thing they are the happy-medium, right in the middle, and that anyone right of them is rightwing. In reality, they are in the left-most 5% of the body politic, and are completely wrong about where…
Do you think, though, that even though they (economic equality and racism) are separate issues, they’re intertwined in a lot of places? It seems to me that certainly, as Greg said, solving economic equality wouldn’t suddenly solve racism, but would it help to solve even a little part of it? Perhaps that’s naive of me…
Seems like a very all-or-nothing take. If Bernie can’t fix the problem 100%, on the day he takes office, then he’s ripe for criticism because he hasn’t done enough and won’t do enough in the future? Not really a fan of that analysis.
You’re totally right—instead of planning to alleviate racism with economic tools, Sanders should instead just plan to make every American sign a pledge stating “I won’t be racist.” That would be a much better solution.
You’re actually defending this?! He walked with MLK for gods sake. There were so many better targets and they pick him? So yeah, Sanders can’t save black people and should no longer try.
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Hillary gets advance notice and a closed door private meeting, Sanders and O’Malley get ambushed. Right.
I don’t understand what’s offensive about that? The New York Times refers to men as “Mr. So and So” and women as “Mrs. So and So” or “Ms. So and So,” right?
I hate diet sodas. I have never understood the obsession with diet coke, which to me tastes like someone tortured a real coke by killing all of its family members in front of it and it just cried out all of its goodness. It tastes like sad to me. THAT SAID, people who get preachy about food and your chosen variety of…
Horrible after taste.