
Slower and more expensive though.

Slower and more expensive though.

This is the 15 inch MBP. It is at least 2x as fast as a top of the line SurfaceBook, and almost $1k less.

This is the 15 inch MBP. It is at least 2x as fast as a top of the line SurfaceBook, and almost $1k less.

Come on. Stance is just the new generation of kids’ version of rice. It’s just doing stupid, ugly stuff to your car so people think you’re a coolbro.

He’s an asshole, but he knows what real liberalism is. I immensely enjoy his show because I don’t care about his smugness.

Actually it’s because iOS 9, 9.0.1, and 9.0.2 are poorly optimized for older hardware. It could be issues with Metal or that they focused on the 6S debut.

You can AirPlay Amazon Prime to Apple TV. Why wouldn’t they allow that with Chromecast? And whey would they ban Apple TV when technically it does work with Amazon Prime?

To me that’s more about customer satisfaction in the mainstream. Sure you have the nutcases that hang out around macforums and 9to5mac.

Case in point.

Right, I see two comments on one image in this entire post that show that blind hatred. That is hardly representative compared to the how many more illustrations you have about the Apple blind loyalty whereas if you go to any tech blog and read the comments, the vast majority are just trash talking any and all Apple

Why is this just calling out Apple?

Why don’t women just stop fucking these guys and fuck regular dudes instead? Natural selection, baby.

No, this is now how the law works. She orchestrated the murder of her husband. Her lover accepted a plea for life for testifying against her. Without her, there would have been no crime.

It doesn’t turn your phone into a dumb phone. It just disables push email and slows the CPU/GPU down 40%. Not bad, I’ve been testing it today from 100% on my 6+ and so far I’ve gotten 9 hours usage and 18 hours standby with 30% battery left. The only difference to me is a little sluggishness in response (I imagine how

Hawt take.

Seriously? You’ve never heard of a woman complaining that she feels rejected by her male partner and needs affirmation? Jesus Christ.

Houston is the worst city in TX.

SCROTUS? Or Jonad?

People just can’t take a fucking joke. Simple as that. Jesus.

The average male deuce drop takes anywhere from 15 to 70 minutes.

How is it a secret if everyone knows about it? Slow news day?