Hello Newman

Hey instead of just whining about Splinter’s good reporting why don’t you prove them wrong and do a detailed defense of Beto’s response. Please explain why it was so great instead of the dumb mishmash of bullshit it sounds like when I read it. Show everyone how much smarter than Libby you are. Break it down and tell

Jumping up on counters is only punk if the dumb restaurant only has ice tea when you want hot tea.   Poser Beto didn’t even yell anarchy when he did it.  

Well, I mean...the Trump name doesn’t appear in Mein Kampf even once.

Looking at the education levels of Trump supporters, I’m thinking they’ll need to translate Mein Kampf into meme form. 

“This Hitler guy never once said anything about making America great!”


Just have to chalk it up to one of those things. 

I guess we'll just never know what made him do it!!

It is indeed ridiculous to say that a guy who specifically said Trump’s white supremacy inspired him to commit these murdered may have been inspired to commit these murders by Trump’s white supremacy.

Manifesto: It was my belief that once Barack HUSSEIN Obama wore that tan suit that the rules of society no longer applied...

I wonder how many 19th century Presidents we had who just spent their idle hours writing nonsense and doodling dicks on scraps of paper that were immediately burned by a foresighted secretary.  Surely we can’t have fallen this far this quickly, right?  This was something that has aways been just narrowly avoided?

Every day, I *really* can’t believe that this utter and complete moron was elected to be the president of the united states.

Brought to you by the party who’s leader has kids with three (It might be more, I can’t be bothered to actually look that up) different women, had sex with (multiple!) adult film stars while married, and among other things, advocates for the actual physical assault and groping of female genitalia.

The president is unwell, but the way politics devolved, the oath these cretins swore to the Constitution is not worth the parchment it was written on.

Unneccesary, but not wholly unsurprising considering the respective melanin content of both the late pilots, and the commentor’s skin. This has a racial undertone that I do not like at all. 

this is well too written to have ever come his mouth

JFC, “best wishes” is something you write on a birthday card, not a response to a horrific attack.

There are also people posting it to Twitter.

To Mickelson’s credit, his daughter was the valedictorian of her HS class. There was plenty of fuss made over him dropping out of the US Open in 2017 because he wanted to attend her graduation instead.