Hello Newman

An excellent use of police resources. I’m sure every rape kit in Raleigh has been tested, and there are no open investigations into violent crimes.

“Jon Williams found himself in handcuffs in his own driveway, surrounded by at least a half-dozen police officers, listening to one of the officers read a warrant for his arrest. The charge: littering.”

Kyrie seems like the kind of guy that would constantly tell me that I don’t truly truly truly understand Mos Def

The irony being that if Kyrie ever played at a high level he’d have seen a horizon.

Kyrie can't really see beyond the horizon of his rhetoric because his thinking is pretty flat and easily debunked.

Yeah, this really is just another example of how this administration has just given up on the idea of the constitution.

This is so humiliating. On an international stage we have to put up with toddler level understanding and the adult in the room has to not just humor him but pretend it made sense. It is full on child tantrum level shit.

I think you found the racist troll!

Except cops don’t shoot angry White guys but managed to shoot Black guys minding their own business.

But now he has 15 penises! All of which are now in federal custody. Womp womp.

Thank god we don’t have an Angry White Male with Guns© problem in this country.

Democratic Socialism means socialist economy with democratic government, so public ownership of industry plus democracy.

Canada’s flag is red and white.

I mean, for a supplementary point, look at West Virginia; a place as deep-red conservative as can be... but once the value of coal nosedived, that place turned into something frighteningly close to a third-world country.

Germany has had national health service since under Kaiser Wilhelm in 1883, on the initiative of Bismarck. The last thing you’d call the Kaiser’s Chancellor, Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen, Prince of Bismarck and Duke of Lauenburg, is a socialist.

Was about to say, since everything Trump says is the opposite of reality, that must mean America will indeed become a socialist nation.

Funny how when a socialist country ends up in the shitter, it’s because of its socialism! But when a capitalist country is in the shitter, it’s never because of that.

Socialism is about one thing only: power for the ruling class.

If Trump hates socialisms so much it must be the right direction for the United States.