Hello Newman

I’m a federal contractor, and unlike actual federal employees we don’t get back pay. I’m cautiously optimistic that it won’t last all the way through to the new year, but I’m going to be in contact with my recruiters just in case.

There are so many things wrong with this man but I can’t help thinking the worst thing about him is the sycophants he’s surrounded himself with his entire life who’ve left him believing BS like it was the greatest election, the biggest crowd, that everything he says is genius.

The negotiating tactic of the hack businessman is to agree to something in principle, then back out at the last second when the other party is perceived to be up against it.

‘ “This is tyranny of talk radio hosts, right? And so, how do you deal with that?” said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn). “You have two talk radio hosts who completely flipped the president. And so, do we succumb to tyranny of talk radio hosts?”’

And his imbecilic supporters will keep on keeping on even as he bankrupts them (too).

These people seeking asylum need to be treated with respect and compassion while thier claims are processed. Let them in, put them up in decent housing, give them medical care if needed, feed them and just be a good human for once.

Oh, and let’s not forget the “lost cause”, with no definition of what the cause was. 

Yeah, I mean, what was the north thinking of, being so aggressive to the south.  

Too much to hope to see Dana Loesch perp walk?

Yet somehow, Washington state can successfully do all of their elections by mail. I am starting to think that their is some type of anti-democracy conspiracy afoot in Florida.

Cars And Coffee And The Furious

+1 for titular.

‘Slave Bible’

I, too, enjoy commenting before reading the article.

Next in line: John Baron

You guessed it: Frank Stallone.

I mean, why wouldn’t you put Gronk in a position he never plays, that relies on athletic ability, and that provides your last line of defence. I mean, that’s a no brainer, right?

I love a good Western, but I’m so tired of the apathy—or outright disdain—that most creators, even modern ones, in the genre have toward Native American characters. I appreciate you highlighting a few that have tried to remedy some of the sins of the past, but...damn, it’s way past time for a Western film that centers