We will never be the “good guy with a gun.” The 2nd amendment was never written “for us” it was written to protect “them” from “us.”
These are the same people that defended crooked ass Scott Pruitt illegal use of subsidized rent from an energy exec by saying he needed to find cheap rent since he wasn’t as big of a fat cat as the rest of the cabinet.
It IS fucking revealing. And it is fucking gross.
Many she should have sold steaks or phony degrees instead.
Moonlight actually beat La La Land so I’m hoping for the same thing
Maybe just ban all guns? Anyone? No?
Because Sessions is grateful that Trump gave him the opportunity to oppress a bunch of brown and black people, so he's trying to do Trump a favor on the way out?
Well you have to know how government works before you can appreciate its changes.
<insert gif of Bugs sawing Florida off>
DeSantis was openly a bumbling racist and the majority of Florida said: “Well at least he’s not black!”
The coach who is a multi-millionaire but also a gubmint employee. And one of the highest paid government employees in his state at that!
Yup, all I could think of was “of course not, they’re primarily African-American so they’ll vote against Coach’s interests”...
Y’all Queda?
The fact that this exists and the page is still active proves that Mark Zuckerberg is just as big of a fucking idiot as Trump. Facebook's Terms & Conditions are meaningless and are only selectively enforced when it suits their bottom line.
GD...now I can't stop saying "ISIS ISIS BABY" in my mind.
Man, if only they’d banned immigration from shithole, smallpox-prone countries a good 200 years ago.
No worries, they are white, and when have have white people gone off the rails and started shooting up the joint, or sending bombs around?