She can use the grand for bullets
She can use the grand for bullets
A thousand dollars for the NICU? What was it in someone’s basement?
I hate how it’s glossed over as a “relationship” and”forbidden love”
Not enough stars available lol
As an American I thought the same until 2017
I swear all my newsfeed contains are daily reasons to be ashamed to be a white person.
Matlock! He’s never lost a case
The d-bag is from fucking Queens and he wants to look down on other countries?
My mistake, THIS is Roy Moore
Is this Roy Moore?
Lucille is a better bet
That said, helluva catch
I utterly give up on what is and is not a catch. I’ve seen so many cases where the receiver has more obvious control of the ball in bounds get ruled incomplete (latest being the poor guy in the bears against the Saints) none of it makes any logical sense.
This +a million
First thing I thought of. That or he got ketchup all over Babe Ruth’s uniform.
You made the young kid count out 63 cents and you took it? Sheesh, take the 10 bucks and eat the damn change for Petes sake.
Small correction. “They are virulently anti-gay until they find they have an LGBTQ child.” should read “They are virulently anti-gay while picking up guys in airport bathrooms”
the most uncharismatic and “phony” (for lack of a better word) candidate ever. She lost me years ago when she pulled a Trumpian BS where they were marking the anniversary of Edmund Hillary climbing everest (this was early 90s). She had to chime in that she was named after Edmund Hillary where she was born like 2 years…
It’s all Bernie’s fault for daring to run well in the Primaries when they were meant to be her coronation as the DNC cleared out all the serious candidates. Even in a rigged system she did poorly but of course that’s everyone’s fault but hers.