
It drives me NUTS to see people who’ve never had a financial or other catastrophic setback in their lives (looking at you, libertarians) and just assuming their luck was because they’re so awesome and Ubermensch-y and shit. Not because of hundreds of disasters, and thousands of unsung heroes who insisted those

One reason the Republicans are getting away with dismantling not only our democracy, but all of the regulations and protections it has enabled (from Social Security to public employee unions to fire safety regs) is that so few people are alive today who can remember the world as it was before.

Katy Perry’s performance in that video is me (and every other teacher I know) today: faking enthusiasm and trying to get people pumped up when I just want to sleep.

Holy shit. I really have no opinion on her but was just struck by how she is putting in like ZERO effort there.

And that spandex monstrosity is custom, probably cost about $7500.

True. I’ve never been a Perry fan but she’s getting worse and worse.

One could say she’s actually trying too hard.

I would be SO mad if I paid for a concert ticket and that’s the “singing” that was going on. I would WELCOME decapitation by eyeball as my punishment for paying actual money for that concert ticket.

Cristiano Ronaldo couldn’t have kicked a more precise shot.

Because the people that support him do not believe:

I can never understand why he lies about things that are so blatantly false that they are debunked within about five minutes, or lies about things that he is literally on camera saying. Does he think that he has a magic weapon that erases people’s memories? And people still support him, it’s madness.

She told us that she hasn’t enjoyed going over there for years because of Fox News and all the shit they say. Now, they’re freaking the fuck out because it’s about to be Christmas # 2 with no contact. We told them we’d re-visit the ban after 6 months but the dumbasses keep posting shit on Facebook. Whenever they reach

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.

To all the people saying it was the Times, I think the original commenter may be thinking of the Roy Moore story that broke today too. In either case, the Post and the Times went and found people willing to go on the record. They did not send out an open request, or a plea, or whatever you want to call it, and that’s

Speaking to Steve Bannon on Tuesday, Trump blamed Jared Kushner for his role in decisions, specifically the firings of Mike Flynn and James Comey, that led to Mueller’s appointment, according to a source briefed on the call. When Roger Stone recently told Trump that Kushner was giving him bad political advice, Trump

That’s what it is for me too. Constantly under the surface, just a low boil of hate magma set to go off the second someone indicates anything other than hatred for drumpf. I’ve cut off my family now and i FUCKING HATE THAT COCKSUCKER for making me so angry at family that isn’t in the best health. I know I’m going to

Good. I’ve never wanted to see another human suffer before, but he definitely deserves all the suffering.

No. Don’t do this.

Let’s not do this.

I hate to say this, and maybe it makes me a bit crazy too, but my wonderful friend Albert died in Feb this year of a heart attack, and I believe that the stress associated with this horrific administration was a huge contributing factor. Yes, Al had heart problems previously, he had them under control. I had never