Oh no, I obviously think it’s Toxic Masculinity. But it’s manifested in so many ways!
Oh no, I obviously think it’s Toxic Masculinity. But it’s manifested in so many ways!
and didn’t he used to be a really well respected moderate? like WTF IS GOING ON?!?!?!
It bothers you when other people vape in their own car?
Your other examples are correct, but the one about the cake specifically is as wrong as was the author’s take on it.
Hey buddy, I’m in the same boat. Well a smaller boat(5'2, 120). I am a smart drunk. I know how much water I need, and what food to eat. What alcohol to avoid.
Yeah, you don’t realize how much life revolves around alcohol until you actively try to abstain. I know when I was an active alcoholic (i.e., still drinking), I was egging people on because I wanted other people to drink like I did so I could hide how much deep down I knew I was drinking alcoholically.
I really like the idea of this little four week project. That said, and I know that maybe this is outside of your experience, any chance you’ll do a bit about functional alcoholism?
I should say that I am a functional alcoholic. I’m 32 and a fairly big guy, 6'2, just north of 200 pounds and I’ve always held my liquor…
My favorite thing to do is just drink on the couch while I watch TV. That way I don’t have to worry about driving or doing anything embarrassing (sometimes I have to reread my texts/twitter in the morning still, just in case).
I have that same question. I struggle with alcohol use, I *can* have just one drink, but I’m always left wanting another and I don’t usually deny myself. The exception is if I have to drive, but usually then I’ll skip the drink altogether or I just won’t put myself in a situation where I have to drive. So while it…
Because the result at some point become clear based on math. The process occurred and is complete.
This isn’t the democratic process. He won the caucuses, which are incredibly undemocratic. He also isn't following the rules of our democratic process, which for better or worse (worse), include super delegates. He's the one who can't handle it.
I didn't vote for Sanders in my primary but I liked the things he said about high minded ideals and grass roots change and a positive, down to earth campaign. Turns out he's just a delusional narcissistic prick only in it for himself and he'd be happy to burn the DNC down for a few more headlines. Time to drop out and…
I can’t even with this guy anymore. I’ll be donating money to whomever challenges him for his seat in the senate.
I live in New Orleans, and the other half of my double is an Airbnb. This makes me completely homicidal. I HATE Airbnb.
? No need to get so angry about it. And the problem was solved eventually. The owner got reported for having an unregistered short-term rental and was forced to rent to an actual tenant. And I moved.
I understand why people like using Airbnbs, and some of the tourists who use them might be lovely people, but I hate the service and honestly wish it didn’t exist. I had the misfortune of living above an Airbnb for a few months and it was awful. People don’t respect the rules or the other people who live around them…
I’m still over here not understanding why people would use Airbnb in the first place so you are at least a step ahead of me.
Believe it or not, the artists who are performing these shows have feelings that often differ from the official policy set by the venue or even their own tour. And since they are the ones providing the entertainment for the evening, they have every right to speak out about it. And, in this case, they are likely saying…
How was this person allowed to bring in a tripod when I can’t even bring in my flask to a show?