
At the risk of enraging The Monster, I would tell Peach to directly confront her problem. She know the boss had a problem with it so either directly or through email contact the boss and say

“I have mastered the fine art of presenting a charming disposition with self-awareness”

Yeah if literally anyone said this to me at work I would flip the fuck out. I’m a petite woman and it would infuriate me to be talked to like a child. Casual work place or not, that’s a really aggressive move, especially over IM where you don’t even get tone (not that I can really imagine a tone that makes this ok)

You may not have meant anything in the “peach” comment. You may have even thought you were being a colloquial cutie pie. But goddamnit, that came off as smug as fuck.

I someone ever called me a peach I would rage at them with the fury of a thousand suns.

Omg I would run screaming from the house never to return!

I think he had an intent.

Conversely, we’ve probably all known at least one person who is conventionally “hot” but can’t maintain a relationship because they are so personally repellant. And they wonder (often aloud) about how these “fatties and uggos” find love.

My mom has said that since the day I was born. She loves to tell the story about the cop who gave her a speeding ticket when she was on call one night, who then showed up in her ER a few months later. She reminded him of the ticket, and he bawled like a little kid. I guarantee no nurse ever got a speeding ticket from

Yup :) I used to do it when I was on the pill had had umm....important appointments coming up.

Yup. My sister did this for years (under doctor’s orders).

Yes. I’ve been doing it for five years. Under my Doctor’s orders.

I would 100% watch Newlyweds again. That was when reality TV was more fun and less cringeworthy.

No, I think you’re just, you know, in touch with reality. There is no other time period that would be better to live in, for women at least. It’s like that Louis CK joke - white men can go to ANY time period and be like “Woo fun!” but it will suck tremendously for literally everyone else.

Anybody besides me remember when the 70s came back in the 90s briefly? It looked exactly like this. So this is basically the 90s version of the 70s come back to haunt us all.

I thought to myself, “These can’t possibly be all that bad.”

Agreed. I had a guy on OKC ask me if I was “shy” I said “No” ...and automatically he starts asking me what I like in bed, I told him I wouldn’t have that convo with him and his response was “I thought you said you weren’t shy”

I’d say that. Because, yes, I’d like a response, but if the guy doesn’t like me and has to come up with an awkward turn down that makes us both embarrassed and anxious then I’d rather we both pretend I never said anything to begin with.

My mom does this. I am a veterinarian. I have a license and a degree in Latin and everything. Someone told her that my niece could get AIDS from her babysitter's FIV positive cat. I told her this was bullshit. She did not believe me. My BIL, who is a contractor and allergic to animals, told her it couldn't happen,

Anyone who has ever sat in a classroom/meeting/whatever and made a point, been told it's not exactly right, only to hear a man in the room repeat THE EXACT SAME POINT in slightly different words, and be told he's a visionary, has experienced the rage. It more or less sums up like 50% of graduate seminars, and no doubt