
A petty officer is not a non-commissioned officer, either. He is an enlisted.

So, Standard Disclaimer, I am not a Public Affairs Officer, and I do not speak for the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense. In addition, I have no special knowledge of this specific incident beyond what has been reported in the press (My current duties put this a little out of my swim lane. But there

Just checked the Uniform Code of Military Justice and it states that "filming broads in the shower is totes OK as long as you keep the tape in your bunk or give the video to your bros without accepting any monetary compensation for distribution of said film".

Come on now, the unorthodox part was ALL OF IT.

A Petty Officer would not be referred to as "a Navy Officer." You can call him an enlisted man, or keep the whole phrase Petty Officer.

A petty officer is not an officer, he is an enlisted man. This one is also a pig.

The really sad part? Events like this were one of the arguments against women serving on submarines in the first place.

"Black people were already having the conversation about how differently black people and white people are treated by cops. We didn't need this hashtag."

Yes, but racist and/or clueless white people who WEREN'T having the conversation are now being forced to. The shitty awful truth is that racists WILL NOT HEAR IT when

In response to #CrimingWhileWhite, editor Jamilah Lemieux started the hashtag #AliveWhileBlack for black people to share stories of their interactions with the cops—not while committing crimes, but just while living—where they were treated with violence, carelessness and general inhumanity.

That's awful. I would never stab someone over mashed potatoes and stuffing.

I'm not sure that's a fair assessment of what buttersideup was saying...

Can there be a documentary film or television show in which people being harassed online can confront their harrassers in person? The online disconnect lets people act this way. They don't have to think of their victims as real people.

Right? Yes, she's a pretty child, but not noticeably more so than other pretty children you'd see on a daily basis. The main difference seems to be that her parents decided to make her a model.

I'm impressed you were able to manage restraint in replying to that ridiculous comment. Good for you. I mean..... the disadvantaged masses? What the fuck? What's that got to do with airport workers and their rights?

Because the employees are poor, minimally educated, and terrified they will lose their jobs if they complain?

I sent this to my dad, who is a retired airline pilot. (He flew for over 30 years and retired in 2003). I thought his response was interesting:

I want to start a class action suit for back wages for the all employees who were illegally forced to claim tips they didn't receive because by law the company would have to make up the difference. Such bullshit.

In some Southern airports (maybe in other places, but I've only observed it in the South), the restrooms have attendants. This just seems to be reinforcing a class distinction and an outdated service model that makes everyone uncomfortable (kind of like the shoeshine stands). The whole experience of being in an

I had no idea that one is supposed to tip the wheelchair pusher (I've never used their services but it's good to know for future reference). Is that in all states? Did anyone else know that?

I have a question for all of you who are married or used to be married. I ask out of naivety, by the way, because I'm 25 and inexperienced with all things marriage and divorce. The question is, when you got engaged and tied the knot, would you say you were head-over-heels about your significant other? As in, you were

It's astonishing how judgmental people become when they hear you're getting divorced: You didn't try hard enough; you should have gone to a different marriage counselor; this is just a rough patch; how can you give up so easily?; those vows must not have meant anything to you! ... As if the splitting parties aren't