
Tell me about it. The yanks think that utes are 'trucks' and vice versa for heaven's sakes.

This car is on the "show and display" list. Certainly an unusual car to see, but it doesn't strike me as particularly worthy. Any word on how it got there? How many others do you think are slinking around the country?

Accurately replicating a kid's explanation this way is a talent that shouldn't go unwasted. Those who say "bad taste" should take note - its hard to write this way. And as for disrespect, the only guy being rude is Kogay IMO.

This situation is so absurd. The priuses are in the left lane because they are driving the fastest. What do you think the odds are of being pulled over in a beige prius? If you want to get from A to B fast, a giant lifted POS or a bright yellow rape-me-officer sportscar is the last thing you want. Its all about

For sale! one seahawk, slightly salt water damaged. Also included: one F18, also slightly salty.

The club? Can't you just hacksaw through the steering wheel and remove it in like, 30 seconds?

Great, but how will that convince the Chinese to buy more of that country?

You mean, like, those toyotas which everyone ignores on Jalopnik? (86,MRS,Celica GT,Corolla xrs, supra, celica alltrac, IS300, ISF, LF-A, MR2, etc etc...)

"A pulse signal at 37.5 kHz" still doesn't really make sense. A "pulse" is something that is broad-band rather than tonal. Maybe they are talking about an intermittent tone?

Interesting to see if that falcon makes it through the process. It would take a miracle to get that registered. But if it does work out, the process could give us the first half decent Ford RWD sedan on these shores in a very long time!

Yeah, this is totally dragging its heels. The 787 was done in much less time and it was just fine, not rushed at all. Totally fine. Fine.

If you read this article. No - if you even think about reading it, you're racist.


While the 150 Ferrari order is probably just heresay, what's tragic is that the actual bonuses are far in excess of what 150 458's would cost. The 99% don't raise as much of a fuss when the excess is easily hidden.