If you had a free market for ISPs I may agree with you. This would probably lead to NN being followed by everyone anyway though.
If you had a free market for ISPs I may agree with you. This would probably lead to NN being followed by everyone anyway though.
Weird, the guy with face tattoos makes ridiculously bad decisions.
this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers
I complain here a lot about almost everything.
So, what you’re saying is that rather than becoming a starting pitcher, he may be just another Angel in the outfield?
It’s a curious thing how the left routinely denies the media is overwhelmingly liberal or, even if they admit that, deny it has any impact on coverage. But the moment some conservative expresses interest in one of their properties, suddenly there’s a shriek of outrage. How dare you threaten to make this left-leaning…
The masses don’t read alt-weekly papers or they wouldn’t perpetually be for sale. Also, the idea that the right has a stranglehold on the media is laughable.
It doesn’t even sounds great on paper. The on paper version is the version practiced by ISIS. There version is the most literal and least nuanced.
I concur with a caveat. All religion is toxic. But it’s impossible to deny that Islam is uniquely malicious.
so much it blinds you to the truth that Jerusalem is was and always will be the eternal capital of the Jewish people. Jerusalem is important to Muslims and Christians only because it was first important to the Jews. Over a century ago, Jerusalem was a majority Jewish city. We made it into what it is today and we’re…
Rack Em Up!
Have your fucking star.
Cue the people who will be trying to make jokes about this awful topic...
It was a joke.
I really wish I could live long enough to see the scholarship that develops around the eventual American fall.
Bey has very little involvement in the creation of her music. Sia said to Rolling Stone that Bey hires the top songwriters and the top producers and makes them all share a house while they create Bey’s music for her. Sia used the word “Frankenstein” to describe the process.
Long before he was President and long since too, Trump goes on the attach against anyone who takes a shot at him. So, his remark was to be expected. Lavar Ball got more media coverage from not thanking Trump than he would have gotten if he had thanked Trump. So, his behavior was to be expected too.
It’s so mind blowing that more people don’t realize that he trolls so hard lol.
Man Who Benefitted From His Dad in Twitter Beef With Man Who Benefitted From His Son, reported on by Man Who Benefitted From His Dad.
I hope they win another Super Bowl. Seeing him troll everyone warms my heart.