whoooo, the deadspin betas are sure in high dungeon this AM - OMG, a guy called a teen girl hot... better show my alpha GF that I’m on board with womyn studies 101
whoooo, the deadspin betas are sure in high dungeon this AM - OMG, a guy called a teen girl hot... better show my alpha GF that I’m on board with womyn studies 101
right - she’s only popular in America...
P.S. While the majority of this record annoys me in all the predictable ways that Swift’s music does, I think “End Game” and “Delicate” are good songs, don’t @ me.
hey dumb cunt, apparently using bad languae is the same as sexual assault - maybe it should happen to you on the way home, and you can get back to us...
so he says the right thing but cunt has to take issue anyway...
wow, must involve a shit ton of startegy if a 7 year old can win...she’s so prime for the next Brooklyn Tic Tac Toe league
complete flop
now that’s some feminist ass
I am a person who goes hard for black women because no one else does.
if you want that ass, put a ring on it -
Beryonce is this year’s Lena Dunham - don’t worry, Jez will turn on her too
but she twerked in front of a sign reading FEMINISM - hater
oh deadspin - always with the DICKS AND BALLS
pretty fucking sensitive...He didn’t trash the place, but there have been a series of natural disasters and, btw, if you said that thank god no one on the mexican team was shot, they might think you’re referring to Baja...
stupid is very dangerous
Trump is a dick - so is Ball.
and probably still steals from the collection basket at church
it’s amazing how Mike Pence was ridiculed while women really do want adult supervision - they can’t handle the real world by themselves...
but Tom, how are his DICK and BALLS?