or, buy a fucking printer...
or, buy a fucking printer...
Here’s real journalism - not Samer’s hysterical cumshot:
yes, he’s a piece of fucking filth because bloggers didn’t back up their work...
when mainstream media sites are struggling to stay above water and most blog sites make no money - was unionization a good idea? what was the problem - were workplace conditions dangerous? were work hours too long with no breaks or vacations? was there no health insurance?
we all agree that disabling a twitter account for political reasons is very dangerous and dick headed move...and MAY result in prosecution
who’s the victim?
It’s a two-run home run, and another mini-rally to bring home a pair with a double, and a solo home run to cap it off. Or it’s a grand slam and a scratched-out run. It’s—I don’t know—five solo home runs.
Nature is RACIST!!!
someone sounds jealous...
the game was anticlimactic -but as a Met’s fan, seeing JT beaned twice almost gave me a climax
someone had to win
that’s a good looking couple
I imagine you jumping off a bridge - right onto my dick...
feels... oh god
is it possible that the women in NY and Italy didn’t really have a case?
David Roth - you should try to restart your failed music career, because anyone who says in the same article that a guy with 5000 pizzerias in 45 different countries who’s got extremely rich making pizza doesn’t know what he’s doing is either an asshole (you) or just being a dick (you) because you disagree with his…
I don’t get it - last time I rode the M3 I asked all the black people to go to the back - and they all got mad...I wonder why...
The lengths some queer people will go to in order to be accepted in the mainstream, in my view, are a fascinating indication of the compromises under progress’s surface. Worth talking about, I think.
newspapers don’t put “allegedly” in a quote...
yeah, but no one cares what you think - imagine if a web site, let’s call it schemzebel, decided that a rape occurred by reading it in a magazine, let’s call it Schmolling Schtone, but then found out that no, iut was all bullshit - how do you walk that back?