I wonder what sort of malware was embedded in the original pictures
I wonder what sort of malware was embedded in the original pictures
I'll check that out. Thanks
16. Natural Light, 95 calories, 4.2 percent ABV
Somewhat off topic: isn't this included in Google Maps? I'm not on iOS, but I know on Android current ETA's are included every time you set a destination (though one could argue that Waze's have been better). Then again, all Maps has are recent history, not favorites.
I second the Keepass+KeepassDroid setup. If I only had 3-4 passwords I wouldn't put much effort into it. But having close to 100 different accounts to manage makes it impossible to remember passwords. Since Keepass offers the most flexibility of any password manager I've seen, allows plug-ins, keeps data and master…
I believe that we're at an impasse regarding military spending. There are clearly valid reasons to maintain a strong military, but we differ on size and scope. Which brings me to the tax side again.
This discussion is taking a lot longer than I thought it would (which I assume is a good thing). Anyway, I have to disagree on several fronts.
Before I answer this I should preface that doing this is likely political suicide for an individual congressman, namely because of the reasons you mentioned. However, that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be done.
One other point about the military: it makes sense to reduce the number of active duty personnel because future wars and conflicts (at least any in the foreseeable future) will need those kinds of numbers. The conflicts that we will be in will probably lie twofold:
You're correct about the disparity in social benefit maturity vs. 401k maturity. The issue with that however is that one is protected by taxpayers and the other isn't. If I invest in state-run retirement funds and the money is mismanaged or market forces deem whatever investment it was poor (which happens), people get…
That's a bizarre way of looking at and generalizing the social benefits debate, especially since they've always been funded by the generation of tomorrow, not today (even when adjusted for inflation and/or interest earned, beneficiaries receive substantially more than what they paid in, even if it was over a 40 or 50…
The word stupid (which was a careless choice of words on my part) came from you associating social welfare and benefits and their current spending levels as more of a concern than current military spending and size. I would explain why that association is a mistake, but I believe that you deserve to at least explain…
What's stupid about "entitlement" spending? Examples are needed to substantiate your point.
They had precautions. Every mission, hell, every source of travel NASA or anyone else engages in has precautions. This scenario was one that I'm imagining they hadn't foreseen. That said, every space mission, even planned out and executed carefully still has significant risk. Should there have been an extra shuttle on…
Money wasn't the issue. The extreme improbability that the rescue mission would work within the required timeframe was why it was cancelled.
It should be noted that the study doesn't take into account whether or not over-disclosing by one's partner how much porn they watch affects their happiness and relationship, nor does it take into account actual reveals, only the women's perceptions of what were honest/dishonest reveals.
If I followed this rule, I would be driving a shopping cart stolen from the Target parking lot. (The one near me got new carts and they're pretty sweet.)
That result is weird too, because on his webpage there are several artists higher than Florida Georgia line that aren't listed as the distinctive artist for other states (such as R. Kelly, Robin Thicke, Kendrick Lamar, and Daft Punk).