
Ask your Mom for more allowance.

I’ve watched both. They’re fucking terrible. 

Beating someone up AFTER they break a window is not standing your ground. That is called revenge/retaliation/executioner. None of that is legal. Also, the assailant using the language of an uneducated 13 year old doesn’t help the case.

Millionaire defending his car is ok, but small business owner defending his livelihood is not?

Castle Doctrine is DEFINITLY not applicable here.

Also sickening and I don’t condone that and would support charges against citizens or cops who do so. whatabouting this act doesn’t excuse it.

Fuck him. Charge the guy with damaging private property but then Smith with felony battery. Attempting to repeatedly kick someone in their head is sickening. At least we don’t have to see his dumb ass on an NBA court again.

Are you KKK or just a run-of-the-mill white supremacist?

People who have Trump flags voted for Trump and by default are indeed really fucking stupid. Fuck Trump and fuck his supporters. All of em’.

*Sees Jeep run over humans*

..if Floyd did not choose to commit a Federal Felony by passing a counterfeit note, we would not be here would we? 

I’m disappointed by the amount of bootlicking cop apologists in these comments. People are sick of violent, racist, corrupt cops committing crimes like murder and getting away with it. Combined with so much other shit going on, they’re at a breaking point. They want systemic change for the better. And how are people

Glad to hear the white anger side of this whole police murder thing. .

No, it’s not. Also, fuck you

Tactics like this aren’t to resolve, they’re to escalate.

Ah, yes, because if there’s one thing we’ve all learned over the last few weeks, it’s that the cops can be trusted to do the right thing.


Aw, that's too bad, because I think The Twist, while predictable, comes with a whole list of implications that they explore after the twist is exposed - unlike in The Sixth Sense, where we get a monologue and a fade to white.