
Did you notice in the article that San Francisco reduced this particular tax rate specifically to induce tech companies to locate there? This is simply the other side of the coin. You get low taxes to startup here, then, once you’ve established yourselves, the tax rates go back to normal. That’s how it’s supposed to

Exactly! It’s human nature to be jealous of others profiting from doing something no one else thought of.

So when will these brilliant tech lords get smart enough to realize that moving their HQ to Texas would eliminate all this nonsense?

So you after hard work, long hours, your own personal time and money... you invent something that everyone wants and become millionaire overnight.

Hopefully the Alt-Right won’t start driving volkswagon beetles.

No shit. My family was so dedicated to the punching game that we:

I’ll wait for the mid-range models to go on sale or come up as refurbs on woot again. I don’t need to spend an extra $500 for the ability to touch a picture of the drink I want to be made for me. I’m surprised they haven’t put Alexa / Google voice commands into this thing yet. 

I’ll wait for the mid-range models to go on sale or come up as refurbs on woot again. I don’t need to spend an extra

45.  But hey, the hamburgers the week after are always DELICIOUS!

Fair enough, “U.S. states are obligated to protect their citizens and legal residents per U.S. federal law.”

Now you and I agree, but their ongoing contentiousness toward federal immigration authorities is proof that California will stick to its own flawed definitions, thankyouverymuch.

Well, how about a state has an obligation to protect its citizens. Any “residents” that aren’t citizens are there illegally, you see.

Tesla is ahead of schedule.  They weren’t expecting to blow up in China for a couple more years.

Agreed; don’t even get me started on the whole “brake” hoax being perpetuated by BIG CERAMIC!

IIHS is truly baffling with some of these “rules”. They act as if Europe and Canada haven’t performed their own safety tests and these technologies can’t possibly be safe for AMERICA.

Him admitting to trying to crack into the system is pretty much a smoking gun, his only shot is arguing that he was not the one typing those words

Besides, he knew the origins of the documents he did post from Manning and that is also a crime.

The issue isn’t that Assange solicited information that Manning had not already stolen, but that he agreed to help Manning steal it. But the way you framed this, I can now see why journalists are worried. Not helping somebody steal information is a pretty bright line and easy to stay on the legal side of if you want to

All of this. Assange/Wikileaks did everything that journalists do - facilitated the dissemination of information/stories while protecting sources who might be at risk due to that dissemination. There are things he/they have leaked that are less palatable to the American public than others, but they have always followed

You won’t believe who Donald Sutherland is playing. Lets just say he wears a corduroy jacket with elbow patches. 

Yeah, ‘cuz everyone was wondering, what would a Joker movie be like if he looked like a disgraced creatve writing professor?

Just another day in the Police States of America.