“Functioning societies” is exactly what they won’t have if Russian tanks start rolling down their streets.
“Functioning societies” is exactly what they won’t have if Russian tanks start rolling down their streets.
You have my support with the Stryker and Barbie Power Wheels.
I think it’s the “pivot” that causes the majority of damage, and pivots occur often. But I might be wrong about the contact patch.
Tanks put all their weight on a tighter contact patch. And when they turn, they pivot in a way that puts a lot of twist-stress on the street. Semi’s only roll forward/back.
But to be honest, if I had a similar initial outlook hypothetically. I might make a similar about-face after witnessing a similar demonstration.
I actually think that may be the better option over what we have at face value.
I’m getting fatigued by the repeated mention of Trump’s more bombastic tweets. Yes, he continues to say some extremely dumb shit across a wide variety of topics. And yes, in addition to being bombastic, they’re frightening in and of themselves. But it has also been shown that Trump will reverse course on some of…
Glad to have your take Terrell. I’m especially looking forward to your take on foreign policy, namely because I believe that it was President Obama’s weakest area (and my own knowledge in that area is so limited).
Yeah, that sounds pretty messed up. She’s basically paying taxes on her stolen property. She earned it, paid income taxes. And then had it stolen, and paid taxes again before it could be returned (if at all).
No, no. Recognize them as allies who also hold their own agendas. Thats a safer, skeptical outlook.
First off, I really like Obama. I’ll miss him greatly. But I have a question regarding this paragraph.
I was grabbing GoT from my local library for a while. Netflix DVD is also a legitimate option.
I have no issue pirating shitty shows and movies. I buy the good ones.
I had trouble un-seeing the bugs Bunny overbite in the new Miata with a white license plate installed up front. But this one and the Cadillac from a few days ago are reaching. I’ve all but forgotten about them already.
No doubt about it, that baby is a Decepticon.
Is that a slight or praise? That description regarding the dildos should be included in the marketing materials.
She had a family.