
One thing I appreciate regarding my advancing years (41); restraint. With restraint, I’m able to listen to the wise voice inside me, telling me that this movie looks stupid, and not to even bother. It feels good, because I’ve been down that other road too often.

I would have woken up like two dozen people; spaceship engineers mostly.


I predict a 54% Crack Pipe loss for this car in the future.

Babies, all of them.

I’m absolutely certain that all involved, the models, fish, and photographers, were mentaly going over their recent decisions, in an attempt to understand what brought them to that point in their life.

OK, now that we’ve started down this road...

I thought you were a jerk until “compound bow.”

I hate it when these stories lead with shocking examples of injustice, but then fail to mention the parties involved. Reveal the movie, male lead, and the production company responsible for the unequal pay levels. And if Hilary is justifiably concerned with reprisals, have someone else pass on the info via a third

What was happening off camera?

Yes, you are correct.

You are absolutely correct. After posting this, I basically read almost the same argument up-thread, and it’s valid. Obviously, there should be some balancing going on in-game.

Sorry, but IRL a single shot from any “heavy” sniper rifle will take you out of the action no matter where it hits you. If a Barret 50 hits you in either the hand or foot, how much fight do you expect to retain when either of those body parts disappears?

I’m not doubting that Russia hacked HRC’s and the DNC’s email. Thats bad.

Nice Price, with conditions.

I wasn’t...

The only thing I’m shocked by is how complicated this sounds. I would have guessed there would be a simple smartphone app for this by now.

I read this in the voice of John C. Reilly, and it was awesome.

This is no guarantee, but I’m fairly certain this would not shake out as you have planned.

I hope they enjoy Manhattan! :)