
Nice ride, but I’d probably shop around for similar for less $$$.

Cruise control will kill you as well if you use it when the roads are wet. Drivers still need to drive. Driving aids are just there to help.

“cause you can’t panic in that situation. You just gotta look around and ask “what am I gonna do?""

Serious question, do they make track days specifically for shitty drivers? ...I’m asking for a friend.

Keep an eye out for this guy.

I think what made that time awsome was that not every facet of life was judged through the lense of what’s best for our children.

“These are not the droids you are looking for.”

Ash trays, everywhere. The 70's/80's were amazing.

Planes were never armored.

...most negative comment today. Go sit in the corner, and don’t come back until you can name 5 things that give your life joy.

Don’t care, still going.

Visiting my brother in Fargo ND in the dead of winter, bro picked me up at the airport. He left his car running in the lot for the 40 minutes it took for me to deplane and collect baggage. The lot was full of running cars. It was amazing.

A woman in CT got killed on a train crossing over confusion with her Mercedes gear shifter.

Is it possible to compress they cylinder ahead of time with a clamp or something? It sounds like there may be an easier method/procedure you’re not following. Do a Google search.

That would suck. Just get your picture snapped unaware, and you instantly become the face of hatred.

Non-judicial Punishment. Basically, all the things that would be called “cruel and unusual” in a civilian court. Officially, it usually takes the form of reduction in rank, loss of pay, loss of other privlwdges, and confinement to the barracks. But it doesn’t have to limited to that.

I’m ok with the death penalty. But I believe the threshold for its use needs to be at its highest. Like, full on video evidence of the crime, or catching the perpetrator with garbage bags of body parts.

I sense a primetime adventure drama, where the futeristic hero-truck and it’s driver roam around the country solving crimes and delivering consumer goods. ...and a buddy orangutan who practices martial arts and eats with chop sticks.

1994 Dodge Neon

Is it sacrilegious to deeply desire taking this car to a nice custom shop for a new interior? New dash, seats, and other materials would be wonderful.