
“...and makes you go through a 5 step process to turn it off.”

Truck driver:. *SMH* (...keeps driving)

Should she stop? Should she not use what she has to make money? Life is short, and paying bills is hard. Sorry, but I think you’re taking your own views on what “cosplay” is way too seriously. Cut her some slack.

What “made America great” to you resulted in Connecticut having one of the highest unfunded-liabilities in the nation. We have something like $50 billion in unfunded pension and health care costs. It has a very real possibility of bankrupting the state.

...Until the entire company goes out of business and everyone is jobless. At that point, maybe a little flexibility would have helped.

Wow. If anyone reading this works for any of these companies, take some time to consider what you see here. And if you own stock, maybe it’s time to vote with your dollars and sell.

That Amulet may have been a motorcycle, with as much protection as was actually provided to the driver.

“I keeelll ya."

How’d you know my name was Francis ... ?

This is funny, until your freaked out kid kicks through the dash and passenger window trying to escape. Because, panic.

Nothing but respect for Martha. She handled her jail time like a Don/Boss, and got right back to life after.

...but I at least still see Ferraris on the street. Saw one on Thursday, actually.

I wish car companies would just manufacturer cars, with the intention of actually selling cars. Cut loose, flood the market. At $400K, they’ll still retain their exclusivity.

That won’t last beyond delivery. No one would be so foolish as to put significant miles on a 1 of 500 super car.

Breakfast burritos! You are supposed to cook breakfast burritos in your engine compartment.

He should just vinyl wrap it and let the new owner discover that “gift” on their own.

Slightly annoyed you decided to pull a doughnut in a mostly full gravel parking lot. I’m sure all the other owners were just thrilled with the dust and gravel peppering their paint.

Is that original paint colors? Cause that sh!t is diabolical (In the best possible way).


I actually like the Element, Panda, and the Monarch.