
I thought you were a bitch, until the house comment and “hahahahahahahahaha...”

Can you imagine if things had turned out different, and we did lick our offspring clean. ...or eat the raw placenta like other mammals? Now, that would have been a selfie worth keeping.

Everyone needs a hobby, I guess.

No one is doubting you or your truck. We’re just talking about the remaining 85% who think 4x4 = super powers.

That, ...blew my mind. Never would have thought.

Don’t confuse your nice new 4x4 with an Abrams main battle tank, and assume you can drive through 8+ inches of snow without getting stuck.

My guess is the old guy put on the fake badges.

Why not just a pickup/SUV and a nice, standard Airstream trailer?

Never felt the urge. My dick is completely average, but I’m not sure pride in size is the major motivation here. Not sure why they do it.

If you don’t want to be caught, don’t do dumb shit.

Wow, that’s impressive. That’s some biblical level “losing your shit”. Like Jesus overturning the money changers in the Temple of David.

What’s that from?

Off topic:

That’s a dump-bed!

It kind of pivots like 4-wheel steering, Halo:Warthog style.

Looks like a great truck. But I suspect that a large % of the recent appreciation is already baked into the price. Initial cost, plus restoration costs will be a lot.

I’m not a Honda engineer. But I do own an Accord and a CRV. Thanks Honda, for joining the ranks of Apple in the list of “Companies who try to intimidate Gawker bloggers”.

I think I used 0.8 Gb’s last month

Pants-less sicko...

I was really hoping this was Nice Price or Crack Pipe...