
The dam is pretty cool. I happened to be there on a day when one of the turbines was taken out and being cleaned - by hand. The turbines only get taken out like once every ten years or so, so it was pretty rare. Those things are massive.

Make sure you go see lots of the non gambling stuff - like the Pinball Hall of Fame, Red Rock Canyon, Death Valley and the Neon Museum. I recommend renting a car, it's much cheaper in the long run. I mean unless you only want to stay on the strip - which I guess if you've never done it, I guess go do that, but

20? Well, I guess it's a start.

I've heard he's kind of an ass in person, but I don't know for sure.
On the other hand, the late Wendell MIddlebrooks was awesome in person! He confirmed for me that I was in fact living the high life.

Meh, the waterslide guy wins the internet for today.

The wife and I were in Iowa to try one of these sandwiches at the Maid-Rite. She had fond memories of having one back in the day.
They were a solid meh.

Yeah, but WTF are they using breakfast sausage for? It's not a breakfast pizza.

Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, I remember the Aleppo thing and I figured that's what Cheyenne was talking about, but I didn't think it was in a debate.

Which debate? I honestly thought he wasn't in any.

Not to be that guy but if Johnson was in the debates, it's possible he would have pulled enough votes from Trump such that he wouldn't win.

"Awwww! He thinks he's people!"

I was planning a trip to the sun. To keep from burning up, I was gonna go at night.
I'll see myself out.

No worries, I'm just stating my presumed thought process of Musk.

Regardless at least he could say he tried *shrug*

He's an influence and is trying to steer Trump towards what he feels is right. Whether or not Trump follows, he can't control.

Any Chicago people going to the Idiocracy screening with Mike Judge tomorrow?
I plan on being there but won't have time to meet up before or anything.

I thought the kid just had a monster c0ck

There are two types of people in the world:
Those that can extrapolate data from an incomplete set…