
While Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
Sons of bankers, sons of lawyers
Turn around and say good morning to the night
For unless they see the sky
But they can't and that is why
They know not if it's dark outside or light

Eileen Eulick

I remember laughing pretty hard when driving through and I saw Blue Ball was near Intercourse.

"Slow down there, maestro. There's a New Mexico?"

I think Climax Michigan is about as good as Dick.

"Looks like those clowns in congress did it again"
"What a bunch of clowns"

Ha! The joke's on him. It wasn't really a shamburger that I was eating during his set. It was a hamburger.

The Plane that Crash Landed into the Hudson.

'tis difficult because 'o me rusted hook

To me it was a really good portrayal of PTSD. I swear, after watching it, I seemed to suffer from it a little. I'm sure nowhere near actual PTSD. But very powerful movie.

I think it was called "The Plane that Crashed into the Hudson"

You're in for a treat!

The wife and I finished Stranger Things. Episode 8 seemed like a good way to end the season. We were thinking there were more episodes, but the thingies on Netflix were just trailers. Hoping season 2 keeps the momentum going.

Something smells fowl. Must be the canceraids.

This could be a … cat astrophy

Reference from South Park Wednesday. Abrams reboots it by saying you can stand, sit, kneel, etc while singing the National Anthem instead of only standing. Essentially making it so people protesting don't get noticed.

So will the games be playing the JJ Abrams rebooted National Anthem this year?

Morris Day was awesome in Purple Rain.
That's all I've got.

Banana ketchup is awesome!