“who TF says ‘coloreds’”
“who TF says ‘coloreds’”
Ahhh got it. So, people who don’t subscribe to the tenets of judaism are jews? Makes perfect sense.
lol “equality for women and minorities”!
My “beloved president”? I think the guy is a ridiculous tool. At this point in history however, he and his fringe supporters are by far the lesser of two evils.
People like you are what’s wrong with the country, you fucking caricature of an SJW. KYS.
I’d do that before I went anywhere near a black broad like your mother, unless it was to beat her into a coma with my bare hands.
Real talk breh, I hope someone you care about gets shot and killed by the cops in a traffic stop. Stay woke and keep it pimpin.
Yea, I do. But, be ready for one of the following wonderfolks who will comment:
Remember when Jalopnik only had car shit on its homepage, not some article by a fucking goon with a name synonymous with what you would think is a shitty wannabe Atlanta rapper?
he was a “great captain” because every front-running mouth-breather who grew up in the 90's couldn’t wait to hitch their wagon to the next marketable “star”
Yeah, how dare those dudes be mad that one of the members of their close-knit Big Three jettisoned them for a direct rival without mentioning it was a possibility and then never reaching out to them again after. I know when my closest friends pledge a lifelong bond and then cast me aside with no warning and then never…
“Black teachers on average are better for black students (and, in some cases, for white students, too), and white teachers on average are worse for black students.”
Black female + muslim + suicide = great success!
Maybe one of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen. That guy has a top shelf faggotito scream lol.
You’re right, that *WAS* hard to watch. Having to watch a mentally ill black dude with a wig on, speaking with an affected voice is always tough to see. Especially when it’s accompanied by some dramatic Linkin Park music and a bunch of meaningless statistics.
Did you see that fat pig at the end?
I’d only want to see Bonds in a batters’ box again due to the chance of him catching an Aroldis Chapman fastball to the face.
It’s how the Ferguson police, prosecutors and news outlets convinced us that 6-foot-4 Mike Brown was terrorizing his neighborhood like a rabid dog
What an absolute bullshit article. Forensic evidence backed the officers version of events, as well as eyewitnesses in the case of Mike Brown.
Maybe try reading the dept of justice report which has not one but two independent ballistics examinations confirming that Mr. Innocent Brown was as guilty as hell of assaulting the officer and attempting to take the officer’s firearm. I’ve read the document...it’s a fascinating look into one of the most ridiculous…