Yeah because that little future klansman should have just laughed and said “Oh you got me you gentle giant!!” after that Mike Brown / Notorious B.I.G. lookalike whipped him down to the ground from behind, right?
Yeah because that little future klansman should have just laughed and said “Oh you got me you gentle giant!!” after that Mike Brown / Notorious B.I.G. lookalike whipped him down to the ground from behind, right?
No my eyes actually work. A kid was thrown to the ground then called someone a name. Yet somehow the kid who did not start anything, did not touch anyone, did not physically retaliate is somehow the bad guy.
Yea because sticking up for a kid who was physically attacked then called someone a name, makes me a racist.
Don’t waste your breath on me, get back in your echo chamber and keep sucking your buddies dicks.
Show me that law please.
Ah yes, I realize you “people” do not like common sense in your echo chamber. So I will let you get back to it. I will be back on Jalop where us “white people” can afford cars.
Bill (evangelically athiest) + Milo (willing to characterize islam as what it is; disgusting) = What the US needs more of.
But you aren’t covering him. You’re “covering” people who write about him, or you’re simply trying to knock him off his pedestal. If it’s proven he’s just a steakhead football player, why do you guys spend so much time attempting to prove it? We get it, he’s a fancy dog and everyone hates him, the Pats, and every…
“came off as the clear loser” - LOL!