
My “beloved president”? I think the guy is a ridiculous tool. At this point in history however, he and his fringe supporters are by far the lesser of two evils.

People like you are what’s wrong with the country, you fucking caricature of an SJW. KYS.

I’d do that before I went anywhere near a black broad like your mother, unless it was to beat her into a coma with my bare hands.

Real talk breh, I hope someone you care about gets shot and killed by the cops in a traffic stop. Stay woke and keep it pimpin.

“Black teachers on average are better for black students (and, in some cases, for white students, too), and white teachers on average are worse for black students.”

Cam Neely?

Black female + muslim + suicide = great success!

Maybe one of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen. That guy has a top shelf faggotito scream lol.

You’re right, that *WAS* hard to watch. Having to watch a mentally ill black dude with a wig on, speaking with an affected voice is always tough to see. Especially when it’s accompanied by some dramatic Linkin Park music and a bunch of meaningless statistics.

“When they go low, you go lower”

Maybe I am crazy. Why I read these articles is something I can’t quite explain, I never would have thought that I enjoyed getting riled up over something, but maybe I do. Anyway....

Did you see that fat pig at the end?

I’d only want to see Bonds in a batters’ box again due to the chance of him catching an Aroldis Chapman fastball to the face.

Wait, you mean your cousin was pulled over not once, not twice, but THREE times and didn’t get shot by the nazi police for “DWB”? I don’t believe it, he must have some white privilege blood in him. Either that, or because he’s not from the urban jungles like the “african americans” that were raised here, he actually

Dass word! I can just picture how the phone call went down too:

“Brown exchanging what appears to be marijuana with store clerks minutes before now-former Police Officer Darren Wilson killed him.”

Yeah because that little future klansman should have just laughed and said “Oh you got me you gentle giant!!” after that Mike Brown / Notorious B.I.G. lookalike whipped him down to the ground from behind, right?

Anyone else notice that the allegations are all from white girls, and the statement supporting USA Gymnastics is from a brave young girl of color?

Can you go into more detail about what the doctor did exactly?

I’m glad all you activists spend so much time worrying about where you and your heshe friends go peepee instead of truly seeking the kind of mental help you and they obviously, desperately need.