

While you’re up there, jump off and kill yourself on your mom’s birthday.

“EGAD”? You sound like a real treat based on your choice of words used to express exasperation.

You pronounce “khakis” “caaah keez”?

Glad to contribute

Is that one of the other awesome descriptions of New Englanders out there, like “they’re all racist!” or “they love being miserable!”?

That’s super original, keep going.

We don’t say “Bah-sten”.

Bill (evangelically athiest) + Milo (willing to characterize islam as what it is; disgusting) = What the US needs more of.

“came off as the clear loser” - LOL!

I personally didn’t care one bit when Bowie died. Nor do I care that George Michael died. I came to see if it’s been confirmed yet that he’d been battling with AIDS.

You’re welcome for Trump, and if the “whiney little bitches” irritates you then you’re welcome for that too.

I don’t. I hope he found out someone in his family has a case of terminal cancer.

I legitimately hate the fans of other teams so much. Hope you get struck and killed by a drunk driver tonight.