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Nice idea. I like this video for that spirit, although I think this person shot a lot more than one second per day.

Weird that the rover cost $1B and it only has 8GB of storage on board. Seems like you'd want more to store up a bunch of good video, 3D, panoramas, etc from an interesting site, then gradually feed it to the MRO when there's nothing interesting going on. It's a 2 year mission (and the RTG runs for decades), so I guess

Definitely a buggy environment in general. I find the more specialized the service is, the more reliable (YouSendIt, web hosting, Carbonite). The more dynamically it has to interact with computers and mobile, the worse it is (iCloud, Google Calendar, DropBox). And if you also access the data from non-proprietary

What's with the product videos? They're kind of useless. There's no review or info or demonstration of the function or the results. It's just a tour of the buttons.

A little warning... some people (including me) get this thing where if they use cinnamon regularly, their tongue starts burning 24/7. I used a cinnamon toothpaste for a while and it started happening. Goes away eventually, but something to watch out for if you're going to start a cinnamon regimen. (And my tongue's

I hate to say it, but you're hosed. I mean you've framed the problem in such a way that your only solution is to transmit a huge amount of data through a miniscule bottleneck.

True. Earth would be pretty boring with just a bunch of jellyfish and cockroaches. But Earth has gone through mass extinctions like the P-T boundary and bounced back, albeit not with us around.

These are great - really well thought out summaries of complex limitations. The only thing I would raise objection to is statements like "A power source that powerful doesn't, and can't, exist." or "Again, it's a simple violation of Einsteinian physics."

I'm not sure why I need Apple TV. My BD player streams Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and dozens of other things (more added each week when it updates automatically.) I imagine most internet-enabled TVs and other boxes do this. The only thing I can't get on my set is iTunes, but I don't really miss it.

Earth won't die. Just a bunch of the hairless apes scrambling around on it.

I think eventually each pill would have a unique signature and the patch/app would track the whole regimen. Have you seen some older folks' pill bottles? Sometimes they're taking 10 medications, and they might all have different intervals. There are over 25,000 deaths by unintentional prescription drug overdoses a

Tell Farnsworth or whomever to not do interlacing. I hate interlacing.

It almost happened 100 years ago.

Buglers: f#$@in' lasers, how do they work?

You've limited your solutions by defining the parameters too tightly: Must transmit data back. Data must be video. Only transmission is Iridium. Iridium is only 2.4kbps. = You're sunk.

Bizarro story. His blog goes on about how he's trying to get in touch with McDonald's headquarters. WTF? He claims he was physically assaulted and has photos to prove it. Why didn't he go to the police? It's going to be hard to be credible if there's no police report.

Any one of these is ideal for home defense.

Maybe I've watched too many movies, but I totally expected him to fumble with the mouse a little too long and the thing strangle to life out of him.

There was plenty of real naughtiness in the Victorian Era. It's a common myth that the whole society was somehow PG rated. There was certainly sex parties, infidelity, prostitution, and porn. Things haven't changed that much. These examples are more clever and cute than really raunchy.

I thought it was going to point to these artists. Also amazing...