
Enforcement is a deterrent. You can’t abstractly say enforcement doesn’t reduce drunk driving. You have to account for all the people who were so afraid of getting a DWI ticket or having their license taken away, that they called a taxi instead.

Good article. Also, it’s not 100% certain that having covid-19 and recovering provides immunity. That’s a reasonable assumption, but there have been a lot of “reinfections” reported in South Korea (where they’re doing rigorous and widespread testing and contact tracing.) Those could be relapses rather than

Not all lasers run on electricity. Chemical lasers are one kind that is used by the military.

Most YouTubers I know use music services like and Epidemic Sound. It’s very straightforward, since you pay a monthly or annual subscription for a blanket YouTube and Instagram license for any tracks on the site. The music artists’ compensation is not in any way tied to the revenue of the final product, and

Good article. I was looking for a cogent discussion of this.

That video is useless. It just tells you what a “yield” sign means. The complex thing about a roundabout is when it is 2 or more lanes.

On a single case basis, I agree with you, but taking a long view, it reminds me of the outrage of the past several years at white cops killing (especially unarmed) black men. The details in each of the police use-of-force cases is different, and none has been resolved well. However, all that protesting and anger

If I remember my engineering correctly, it takes a bit more impact to start a chain reaction.

Japanese fertility rate falls to zero.

"Life is valuable. Protect it. ... Excuse me while I go change my underwear."

Any martial movement done full speed, full impact will be different than forms or kata or exercises or drills or choreography. The further–historically–away from combat (or at least sport) the less realistic the training. This really shouldn't be news to anyone.

I think it's just parsing the word "work". I work like hell at my job, but I've found a way to get people to pay me for something I enjoy, so it doesn't feel like work. It makes me giddy that I get to make films and solve problems all day. (Even though those days are sometimes loooong.) I think that's the gist of the

Wow. You and I live in different universes then. It reminds me of Gravity's Rainbow, where the scientist realizes that the sites of WWII German V2 rocket attacks in London map exactly to Slothrop's (a playboy character) hookups a few days before. Of course, that's an absurdist novel... But, really? You would say

I don't understand. Are you saying that it is always the case that "When things are correlated, it suggests that there is a causal chain connecting them."? Over the past 25 years, the number of transistors on a chip, the number of kids diagnosed with ADHD, and the size of the world's largest pumpkin have all

It's such a common error in reporting and in popular posts, that the refutation is invoked a lot. It's very tough for people exposed to correlative phenomena to NOT draw a causative relationship. Another common mistake is not covering all the relevant groups. For instance, you could show 1. a bunch of people who

Terrible infographics. A lot of the interesting trend data is not clearly illustrated.

Not so good as an energy source right now, but maybe as an energy carrier...

New formats are always chicken and egg questions. Why produce and broadcast in HD if there are no sets? Why make HD sets if there's no content? There's an inching up to the starting line before things really take off. A few early adopters will buy 4K sets anticipating content, video production places that want a

"Tailless" because the delta wing goes all the way to the back of the aircraft, unlike a typical airplane with wings plus a separate "tailplane" in the back. Delta wings are strong and provide a lot of lift, so can handle more extreme maneuvering. Lift works differently, though, and the planes have to fly at a "high

Ask Christo.