Sure. Just promise me you'll stay away from things like jury duty and other activities that require you to actually think before passing judgment.
Sure. Just promise me you'll stay away from things like jury duty and other activities that require you to actually think before passing judgment.
"The Foundation books, loosely based on Edward Gibbon’s The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire"
No, sorry. I know you want to put words in my mouth because it makes you feel better or makes it easier to dismiss my argument. But I categorically didn't say that the 11 woman who have accused Cosby are fantasists. Indeed, I said that their accusations appeared to have more substance (because, without going into…
Well, not to dispute your point that rape is a horribly underreported crime but it's also possible that 1 woman went public with a complaint and 11 disturbed people falsely accused a celebrity they hadn't met. My impression is that the other allegations against Cosby have more weight to them than that, but the mere…
"the print version - for people who hate technology but still read Wired"
On the plus side, they can now fix Duluth in post.
I look forward to them tweeting about that one crazy time they overthrew Allende's government in Chile.
You're the worst character ever, Towlie.
Sorry. but Norkers is where its at.
Wait, how do you hand something from one player to another?
and starring Minnie Driver as over-the-hill Wendy.
I only audited Toothless Biopics 101 but I'm planning to take the advanced unit, Depictions of Disability as Oscarbait 211.
I got my eye on you.
Tony was a ghost the whole time, and only AJ could see him.
But wh
He will direct and star in his own pet project: The Contrabulous
Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel.
yes, and Montana has never looked so bleak.
"Greenwood is probably best-recognized from the rebooted Star Trek movies"
I believe it's what the Ramones would have wanted.
But Downton Abbey is already parody.