
Saving Private Ryan a masterpiece?

"spikes, rats, birds, and, um, drops of water that kill her instantly"?

pfah, filmed in Canada don't make it Canadian.

They should get that deaf girl of Heroes
the one who could see sounds as pretty colours?

excuse me, but if you read the article i think you'll find the line isn't

i wouldn't pay to see it but i'd possibly pay to have it made.

"there are only so many notches on a television dial and so much space on the broadcasting spectrum"
great peice, but shouldn't this sentence really be in the past tense?

to have written any one of those 3 songs would be remarkable enough. that he was responsible for all 3 is pretty great.

This is a real shame. Paprika was astonishing.

"the older you get, the fewer things you really love. And by the time you get to my age, maybe it's only one or two things"
and neither of those two things is a G4 show.

here's a twist that just might work:

The cat 'eerily predicts' when residents would die?
The cat would only be scary if he actually started eating the residents.

wait, *last* year's End Times?
didn't it come out in January???

Fred's a "divisive figure among Angel fans"?

Will the Haiwaii Five-O remake be the future of TV?

Betty Draper
can block my show anytime!

are we surprised she didn't take it to the vet before it was too late?

i call bullshit
Not that Kurtz said what he said, that much i can believe.

all of the above mentioned items are useless, frankly, without a supply of oil and the much-beloved 10' pole.

huh, i played D&D and was a scout as well.