
i will also miss Miss Gillette's hate

nah, Daily Mail: The Movie would also feature evil asylum seekers playing a european video-game that gives you cancer if you vote LibDem.

Rise of the Lichen: it's back and this time it's algae!

"not safe for work, unless you work in a child-torturing factory"
hmm, it depends on how you view the whole educational sector i guess.

yeah, it's nice that Kevorkian was careful about who he decided to treat, to make sure he was satisfied that they had consent.

Hey, it could be worse
fuck it man, at least you get the option of paying for it.

yeah, just before the the failed shapeshifter dies, there's a beat where he clearly recognises Walter and says 'I'm sorry'.

also, isn't Mohamed also visible in the background of the big crowd shot in title sequence in later seasons.

that's what i thought. i live in the UK and am sure that it's been repeated here at least a few times (and this in the country that didn't allow the Tom Cruise episode to be broadcast).

really, who cares if it's ironic?

well, why wouldn't Ghost Fiske sit there thinking? he's surely not in any hurry…

i'd like to take this opportunity to direct folk to a meta-analysis of pastimes like meta-epistemology, but unfortunately it collapsed under the weight of its own abstraction.

hmm, except the copy hasn't actually committed the crime. it only *thinks* it has. after all, if we believe that each copy is a distinct person in its own right, then it follows that the copy can only be responsible for its own acts.

In the episode with two Rikers, the newly-discovered Riker ends up with custody of the trombone.

what is it with drummers and brain hemmorages? didn't Bill Berry nearly die this way?

i'm not saying i have a privileged viewpoint. if you make an identical copy of me, both versions are equally entitled to claim i'm me, regardless of whether i'm the original or the copy.

@alurin: his consciousness is false to the extent that he believes he's the exact same person who went into the transporter, or that he will be the exact same person who'll step out the next time he uses one.

@alurin: sure, it's always roses for the version of me that survives. and i agree that the prospect of the transporter will seem very different for the version that has already has memories of having been through it several times.

@alurin: from an external perspective, it doesn't matter if the me who wakes up is the original or the copy. and maybe it is impossible to distinguish between them from an internal perspective as well, e.g. i don't know if i'm the real me or a copy.

what Dired said. If you make an identical copy of me while i sleep, and then kill me, it's of little comfort to me that a version of me will survive my death, because *I* (as in this particular set of self-aware neurons, whatever) don't get to have those experiences. My own story is still at an end.