Can’t disagree with you. Their cars have soul. On my second Mazda 3 now. Although I’m moving to Honda now, I’ll definitely be going back to Mazda at some point.
Didn’t they take out Martha Stewart for a pretty small profit? Like 50K or something. Always felt that she pissed off the wrong person in that case.
Lol. He might be auditioning.
Biden and Co taking us in direct conflict with Russia isn’t reason enough to try someone else?
I’d piss all over the floor, I’m sorry. When you gotta go, you gotta go. I recall a teacher once denied a classmate a bathroom break. Dude went to back of class with a bottle. Whipped it out and relieved himself right there. Teacher took kid to principal. Principal asked teacher, what did you expect the kid to do if…
Didn’t everyone know that?
Hard Boiled.
Well I know where I’m getting my MWII fix.
For decades we’ve been brainwashed into thinking they’re bad we’re good. What better way to scare kids that have all those evil forces combine.
If my math is correct she earns $16,000 for 12 hours work. Or close to $1,333.33 per hour. I wonder what is the hourly earning rate for those triggered folk.
Be careful with those salutes bud.
In my many long years of playing video games, I know of only 4 VAs. The guys in GTAV and that guying doing Mario’s voice. Callous as it may be I never really paid much attention to the plight of these folks. In a similar manner where we don’t care about the abuse of the peoples of the poorer nations making all our…
And she is free to take her talents elsewhere and redefine other roles. Terms were discussed up front. Either you accept or refuse.
Personal issue or not. The company made an offer. She refused. Story done. She free to take her talents elsewhere. Company free to hire someone else.
Looks like a 1200W PSU is gonna become a lot more common moving forward.
Come on man. You should know how this rag of a blog works.