
Is this another Russiagate? Russiagate 1.0 was terribly anticlimactic and sure wasted our time.

Question is how much that money will be worth once the storm hits. Might be time to start investing in wheelbarrow companies.

Is Saint’s Row that good? I’ve had it in my backlog for years but can’t take a massive step down from GTA V.

Here’s hoping they let out and clean out the records of the black folk held in US prisons for possession of weed as well.

They mastered the art of divide and conquer. Will take generations of “unity” to ever get out of it.

Because in their minds people of African descent are sub human. The mentality of slavery never changed. Don’t fool yourself into believing otherwise.

Indeed. Ironically, I’d bet it was his heart that went out.

If you constrain supplies and you don’t look for new supplies prices increase to find a new equilibrium. Sanctioning Russia, closing pipelines, all on Biden. So yea we can pin the last surge on him. Not all but quite a bit.

Well played.

The sanctions are hurting us far more than them. Transportation costs are not a big a deal as you imagine as they transport much of their oil via pipeline. They now have more money that they know what to do with. The government even raised pensions recently. Not a government hurting for cash. They’re in a quandary beca

Putin was more than happy to kowtow to Europe but we pushed him into being China’s bitch.

You’re trying to use fact and logic to get through to the gawker crowd. Good luck bro.

A country with the largest military budget. Armed up to the wazoo with nukes and every other weapon imaginable. With more guns that citizens know what to do with. Yet a guys draped in some rags and a horned helmet will be successful in a coup? Perhaps you should study the history of coup d’etats.

Skin pigment and connections have something to do with it. I’m rather curious about the list of her clients though.

Warning the end is nigh.

Time to hang up that racket sister. You’ve already prove you’re the best in history. No need to let them see you as a shadow of your greatest self.

If you’ve never played, it is brand new to you.

Wasn’t it defunding the police that led to this fiasco?

I believe 99% of those affected thus far.

Didn’t think it possible to hold that in. The one time (in recent memory) I experienced I couldn’t do anything but just let it out. As if all other bodily functions ceased. Ate something that probably had gone past best buy date.