
Would you consider the anus a source?

Libya was one of the most “progressive” countries on the continent. Women’s rights, highest literacy rate, no IMF or World Bank loans, no foreign debt, peace and stability for 40 years and eternal thorn in the side of Al Qaeda. That sure is someone we wouldn’t want in power. Note the bold points.

Good article.

I have very limited time for gaming. I try for a bit before I invest more time. Dread is the only one I played to 100%, shinesparks and all. Brilliant game.

Initially I thought the same. Then I realised, this is the internet. And then it hit me. A war is going on. And then I remember: truth is the first casualty in war.

Not sure how much of Ukraine will be left after this. Not a praying person at all but this is one time I’m praying. This is just beyond heartbreaking. Countries aren’t allowed self determination. Used as pawns by superpowers then tossed aside. All while innocent people die. Sigh.

Might not be a bad thing. Send the politicians and their donors to fight their own wars for a change.

It’s like you’re proposing events are interconnected. That’s a rather radical concept.

So how did they broadcast their “achievements” without the internet? Smoke signals?

Work to change laws? What you think the person have millions to influence politicians. Geez.

Curious to know her height.

Of the 34 acres being developed only 1.5 acres is going toward affordable housing. Can you apologize to Chappelle now? Stop being manipulated.

Isn’t it interesting how people can be so easily manipulated into hating someone they don’t know, who doesn’t know them and is doing something to better society? All it takes is a little more research and they get the answers yet they continue to fall victim at this manipulation. Just wow!

As in on the day? This has always been the option to make any sense.

So NFTiti. Milk that shit till it’s dry.

Never heard of this one but Sunsoft was a top developer back then. The supremely frustrating Fester’s Quest comes to mind.

How hard is that to replicate?

That’s the way to go. Feels so much better being smug and funny.

Eric Popper? Took his name too seriously.