
The house built by Mario is going after yet another Bowser. Why do those fuckers continue to harass the bowsers.


He aimed to kill multiple people and get the death penalty.

And for those who acquired immunity by the natural means?

To think the demotwats are any better than the republicunts is full on cultish. You’re indoctrinated and you don’t even know.

Spoken to the choir.

What exactly is: their fair share?

I’m going as unvaxxed. These seem to scare the shit out of people for some odd reason.

Exactly. Ignore it and it stops being an issue.

Doesn’t change the fact that the current one is incompetent and taking leave during a crisis.

I get your point. During normal times these 10 - 14 days are the best option. But in a time with 10 - 14 days + 40 days to get the goods where they need to go, these 22 days look mighty impressive.

What brain?

Same boat. However if you on a desktop and resize screen to about half or less and reload, its one long article.

For me yes. Played GTAIII plenty. Played GTA V plenty. Sure the visual updates are fine, but is it comparable to GTA V? Not worth the $60 to me. I’ll wait on GTA VI. One of the few games that will convince me to pick up a controller again.

Snowflakes’ feewins’

Only if English is not the person’s native language.

well played.

Try it out and tell us how it goes.

I think the comedian said it best. Why give a fuck? kinja isn’t a real place. Even the comment system is shitty.

Never watched him prior to this one. Was okay enough. I will check out the others.