Inevitably the persecuted becomes the persecutor. Humanity is a pretty shitty species all around.
Inevitably the persecuted becomes the persecutor. Humanity is a pretty shitty species all around.
If it’s the same game then no reason to get it. I played the crap out of that on the GBA. Fantastic games.
No different from Wind Waker. That game was tedious to its core with the text and not being able to skip certain events you see over and over again. I dislike Wind Waker. I can’t remember Skyward Sword being that bad a game. Not as memorable as BotW but...
This is what happens when you have the anus connected to the mouth. Shit goes out, shit goes back in.
You have jokes now don’t you. This is gawker. Worse yet, kinja gawker. You don’t need any evidence for anything. Just open your hole and let it out.
It’s pointless trying to learn self defense if you don’t have some martial art/sport base.
Long answer. No. Short answer. No. Practical advice. Run and SCREAM like hell. No one wants witnesses to them committing a crime. SCREAM like hell and get attention of as many people as possible.
You have jokes now.
It’s like the author couldn’t think of any other way to be any more silly with an article. Other than the need to change gears those actions can’t be any more different.
Did you believe it when Trump made the claim?
So China-gate. Amazing how the media is ignoring so many things about this other crook. All about narrative management. I don’t believe shit anywhere anymore.
This virus seem to affect so many different systems my every instinct leads me to think it is not naturally occurring.
Typo my foot. This is a Jesus level numbers there. Feeding thousands with a couple loaves and some fish. Now turning 1 billion in revenue in 200x+ more in profit.
Only Nintendo console I never owned. Played it just once.
Sales reached 120 billion yen ($1.1 billion), while operating profit hit 27.8 billion yen ($254 billion).
Those infected show pretty good immunity as well.
Unless of course the plan was to get rid of the burdens on society. The elderly and the sickly. Social Security schemes around the world are going broke because of longer life spans.
Post trump ratings have been rubbish. Media need something to sensationalise.
The answer to that is simple. Chump is not the one making the claim and the media is fawning over his replacement. That geezer even threatened to run over a journalist not too long ago (in jest of course) and nothing was ever made of it. Imagine if that other grifter said the same.
Because people are idiots and the listen to whatever narrative is fed to them because it is easier and more comforting that way. And of course: