
You might as well just drag your ass in the grass. Or you can stop being a savage and get a bidet to do most of the dirty work and finish off with something cheap.

So we’re all a bunch of nut jobs.

Think you nailed it for all of us Doc.

Ummm this was meant to be funny actually. As a gamer your family should not receive priority over your games. Guess I need to work on my delivery if I am ever to pick up comedy.

It absolutely rules that a contingent of Resident Evil fans woke up today bummed that they missed the chance to try the latest game in the series because they have lives and families

Seeing the plus added, I thought Mario really let himself go and could no longer fit in the pipes.

Kinja echo chamber my friend. No different from cess poops like 4chan. This is what the internet in all its glory has magnified.

You’d be surprised at the number of stories that materialised because they exist only in the minds of article writers on a deadline. And with any and every lazy ass writer having a potential audience in the form of the interwebs...

That’s how natural selection works, collateral damage be damned.

I agree. And we should do the same for those damn smokers passing on the lung cancer via second hand smoke.

Did covid make the servers feeble?

one of the more morally repulsive things our country has ever done

Had an issue recently. Did a plug change a few months prior. Service on schedule. Car receives plenty of love. One day after fueling up, vehicle began stuttering. Only thing that made sense at the time was shitty fuel as everything had been running pretty smoothly up to that point. Turned out was the plugs. OEM but


  • Fever

Because we all hope to go out this way some day. Die hard...

Sneaky bastard. However, will you manage though?

Why not get rid of the like count as well. Disingenuous to be showing one and not the other.

A fool and their money is soon parted they say. 

I dunno man, why should you? With that kinda dough you can buy muscles, coke, hookers. You really don’t need to impress anyone cause CREAM.