
Been struggling with this issue. Only way to beat it is by cutting of liquids from 4pm. Sleep hygiene is pretty good.

We’re in the generation of rushing garbage to the market knowing that it can get a 50GB day 1 patch. This shit never happened in the old days. Once its out there, its out there. You better make sure it has no issues. 

Recording of this livestream prohibited. Yet it is making its way around the interwebs. Gotta love it. 

As a kid learnt Shotokan karate from family member who was way too into it. And when I mean way. going to Japan and represent. Learnt WTF TKD later in life and made it up all the way to multi black belts. The missing component there is how well does your older body deal with said Martial Art. I assure you at this

I know what you all are thinking:

Contra 3: Alien Wars. From the moment you turn it on and hear that music, you know you’re in for a ride. Badass from start to end. 

Maybe they should go to Gamestop and buy stuff rosying up the earnings. 

Still beating that dead horse huh? Considering  Trump sanctioned every politician, dog and cat in Russia I’m not sure how in good faith you can actually spew this rubbish. 

Not inside but material non-public. Material in the sense it would definitely move the stock. Non-public is self explanatory. This is why there are blackout periods for insiders as they would gain on such knowledge. 

Many brokers placed restrictions on trading the WSB stock. Robinhood was the worst but they were all in on it.

There is no reason to be risking Covid to get an item you don’t need. Just wait a bit and eventually there will be enough to go around.

For time immemorial it has always been called “playing the stock market”. it has always been a game of taking money from someone else.

People actually buy and sell that crap. Man don’t I wish I still had access to that wallet of millions of these coins. But this is all a farce now. From little guys fucking over hedge funds, to big players high jacking it, to this rubbish. It’s as if nothing in this world is serious or sacred anymore. Thank you

I donated a few bucks to the cause. I don’t mind losing out just to lessen the hit for the earlier people. Treat it as a donation to the little guys. And yes I am fully aware that many larger players are manipulating them. But hey! I’ve never been able to screw over anyone on wall street. Small price to pay.

They’re all funded by the elites. They have to pay back.

They’re all in it together unfortunately. It’s collusion to kill the squeeze, plain and simple.

Eventually, the majority will pull their heads out their arses and eyes off IG/FB/Shitter to see the real issues. All slaves to the 1%. You can’t expect to fuck people over forever. Royalty lost their heads.

The moment you bring in politicians it becomes a problem. There is only one way to rid your house of vermin...

Gamespot: Screwing over customers to shortsellers.

Robin Hood is took from the rich to give to the poor. Except in this case he is pissed that the poor is taking away from his rich friends. Hope they get sued into oblivion.