Excessive is putting it very conservatively. This is irrational exuberance at its finest. Implosion imminent.
Excessive is putting it very conservatively. This is irrational exuberance at its finest. Implosion imminent.
Outstanding shares.
That’d be some punishment. To be stuck in a prison guarding a Trump. Wonder what sort of acts it would take in a previous life to have to suffer such a fate.
You’re trying to preach good sense to the kinja echo chamber. I wish you the best of luck.
A system of echo chambers.
Super Ghouls and Ghosts.
The falling blocks finally did him in huh. Rotate off into the sunset whoever you are and may your coffin be flipped the right way up.
Do you people have selective amnesia? Are you suddenly forgetting the role these very same platforms has played in many many coups in other countries. Wasn’t much of an issue then now was it?
It is only a step too far if it happens in the US. They’ve been complicit in US coups overseas for as long as they have existed.
Now please apply the same standard in Venezuela, China, Iran, Hong Kong and any other country where the apple cart is being tipped over.
Although rare you can still get a smart phone with a removable battery. Had a good laugh at a friend recently as phone’s battery need replacing. Repair shop said they rather not chance it since they’ve had issues with broken screens as the screen need to be removed to access battery. Phone is pretty much useless now.
Don’t you want to keep your stockholders happy?
Serial union organiser here (led or helped organise unions at two employers) and served as shop steward for majority of those years. Nothing is as pleasing as forming a union in a workplace. Even more pleasing when it is done discreetly with management being clueless and all eligible employees voting YES for…
Isn’t that the case with pretty much everything these days?
My liver is idle most of the time might as well give it some work to do. Alcohol is like taking your servings of fruits/vegetable, in liquid form. Rum is made from sugar cane, wine/brandy/cognac from grapes, beer from malt barley hops. Everything is plant based man. Vegan to the max.
There is only one that has worked for me. Coconut water. Drink actual coconut before going to bed. Wake up feeling fine next morning.
Clearly a game may not necessarily click for all people
I have yet to experience that. I feel empty.
Who the fuck green lit that rubbish?