
And on Kinja to boot. The world really is ending sometime in 2020.

How dare you defile this article with your facts.

So we’re actually doing the bible thumping around here? Aren’t we being a bit selective?

Fundamentally, how can you consent to something you’re not aware of?

So the wise lawmakers saw it fit to make deliberately infecting someone with HIV with a crime. Yet the same wise lawmakers don’t see withholding your marital status in an affair as a crime. So....

Except this case has nothing to do with abuse and more to do with a woman scorned.

I started playing RPGs mainly because I thought I was not getting enough value for my money otherwise. I can never forget as a teen, scrounging to make 60 bucks to buy games 16 bit games only to have them end in 2 hours.

Come on. Let the poor guy have this. He did something “noteworthy” a very long time ago and has done pretty much nothing since. Let him continue to relive that glory.

That’s pure madness. Officially a recession and you see some crazy market gains. This is worse than irrational exuberance of the .com era.

Your culture is one of aggression and violence. And you glorify those. You brutally punish others who don’t fall in line with your way. Your Government and soldiers destroy countries and murder innocents all over the world. Is it that hard to believe that you lead the world in police brutality like in pretty much

Because they’ve been holed up for weeks and are bored out their minds staying indoors. They have no jobs either and have plenty of time on their hands that need to be occupied. Thanks for the “support” but we know better.

And if you absolutely have to travel, find a reason not to.

Now you’re given those protesters some very dangerous ideas.

White allies? Lol. Better chance of finding white aliens.

Worry not, it will soon go back to the way it was.

So this one time I had this burning desire to take a wee, while cutting up some jalapeno peppers..... And then I had to stick my dick in milk for some measure of relief.

Fully aware of the Arabs. But the Arabs didn’t kill 30 million blacks in their quest for wealth. Nor did they rape a continent. White apologist.

You missed it by a few hundred years. The moment those creatures landed in Sub-Saharan Africa and we allowed them to live is when it all started. Like any other vermin you need to get rid of it immediately or else.

It may not have then, but it sure does now. Man just made himself a meme. Poor Tom Austin or Asstin or whatever.